The urban ASHA will work on the pattern of rural ASHA and serve as the link between urban poor and health services. There is an ASHA planned for 200 � 500 slum households each and will be assigned such that all slums are covered. These frontline workers will be trained as per the ASHA training modules. The existing training modules for rural ASHAs and the pool of trainers created already will be used for the same. Any specific content on urban contexts, if created for capacity building of ASHAs, the same shall be included in the training plan and content.
Urban ASHAs will conduct the house listing in their assigned area and record the details of all families, married women of reproductive age, pregnant women and children as per the questionnaires which be prescribed or developed. This will help them build rapport with the community and also gain a good understanding of the health needs in her area. It is expected that the actual population listed by the ASHAs may be higher or lower than the population originally used for planning and ASHA selection and assignment. These will be adjusted over time with the objective of providing complete coverage to the slum residents.
The ASHAs will start providing services once they are trained and have completed the mapping of households and Slum Household Index Register (SHIR). They will then be paid incentives based on their performance for the following activities:
- Organize Urban Health and Nutrition Days
- Organize Urban Health and Nutrition Days
- Organize monthly meeting of MAS
- Attend the monthly meeting at UPHC
- Organize community meeting for strengthening preventive and promotive aspects
- Maintain records as per norms like SHIR, meeting minutes, outreach camp register
- Additional immunization incentives for achieving complete immunization in her area
- Incentives built in schemes such as JSY, RNTCP, NVBDCP, Family Planning, Home based newborn care etc.
Source: PIP