
  1. Module for 12 Days Orientation of Newly Joined ANMs
  2. Sehat Sandeshwahini Study Report
  3. Saloni Teachers Manual
  4. Saloni Dairy
  5. SHP for Teacher
  6. SHP for Trainers
  7. District Quarterly Reporting Format_Safe Abortion Services
  8. Facility log book format
  9. MTP Site Monitoring Form
  10. Standard formats and registers for safe abortion services

Maternal Health

  1. Maternal Death Review
  2. Standard Registers for all Delivery Points (upto PHC Level)
  3. MNH Toolkit (Updated)
  4. MH-IEC
  5. Essential Drug list (Updated) for L1,L2 & L3


  1. Cover page of the Report
  2. Acknowledgement
  3. List of Acronyms
  4. Table of content
  5. Chapter -1 Introduction
  6. Chapter-2 FRUs Statewide factsheet
  7. Chapter-3 Analysis of Gaps
  8. Section-I: Physical Infrastructure
  9. Section-II: Functional and Clean Labour Room
  10. Section-III: Operation Theatre
  11. Section-IV: Human Resource
  12. Section-V: Training Status of HR
  13. Section-VI: Equipment
  14. Section-VII: Essential Drugs and Supplies
  15. Section-VIII: Laboratory Services
  16. Section IX: Record Maintenance
  17. Section X: Referral linkages
  18. Section XI: IEC Display
  19. Section XII: Additional/ Support Services
  20. Annexure FRU Basic Information
  21. Annexure FRU List 2013-14
  22. Annexure Performance of FRU (C-Section) March 2009 to March 2013 & June 2013-14 Current Year
  23. Annexure Blank FRU Checklist
  24. Back page of the Report

Annual Health Report 2012-13

  1. Preface and Acknowledgement
  2. Annual Health Report 2012-13

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